Thursday, August 26, 2010

Will there be French papers at Charlottes Brocante ??

At a small morning brocante in Nimes I stopped in my tracks to behold a huge box of documents.........................Combien(how much) I uttered in my best French . After a little bartering they were mine. I did not stop smiling all day. It is easy to find a handful of documents but a whole box not so much...this early 1700 s mariage document is tres tres bien(very very good.)
papers from the 1800 s with crowns......................... heavy sigh............
parchment papers with fluer de lis..................... joy pure joy..............
factures(receipts) from stores with stamps ,beautiful in jewelry making.........
and most unusual, photo copies of documents great for using as postcards or framing. So yes mon Amis , there will be French papers at Charlottes Brocante.

1 comment:

  1. Oh such sweet words to my ears............tell more, tell more! I am lovin all the show and tell.~Cheers Kim
